VON POLL IMMOBILIEN - Immobilienmakler Kempten - Teambild

Buy a house in Kempten: Dream home in an alpine idyll

29/02/2024 · Autor: VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Kempten/ Oberallgäu

Church, Towers,Kempten

Kempten - a jewel in the Allgäu

Nestled in the breathtaking Allgäu mountains and just a stone's throw from Lake Constance, Kempten is a true jewel of southern Germany. Alpine beauty and urban comfort combine harmoniously here. Buying a house in Kempten means spending every day in an environment characterized by breathtaking scenery and vibrant city life. And if you fancy a trip into the big wide world, Lindau on Lake Constance and Oberstdorf are just a stone's throw away.

Haus, Kempten, Himmel

The districts of Kempten

Kempten is not only geographically diverse, but also in its charming districts, which are designed for different needs and lifestyles. Before you decide to buy a home in Kempten, you should get to know a few different districts:

Lenzfried: Nestled in the green meadows of the Iller river and in close proximity to the A7 highway, Lenzfried offers an ideal mix of closeness to nature and urban connections. Here you will find the Kempten Golf Park and an attractive residential area that is particularly appealing to families.

Haubensteig: In the immediate vicinity of the city center, Haubensteig offers optimal accessibility to stores for daily needs, schools, doctors and much more. This location makes Haubensteig a desirable place to live for anyone who wants to combine urban living with a quiet neighborhood.

Sankt Mang: With its kindergartens, schools and clubs, Sankt Mang is a paradise for families. A lively community and an atmosphere of security make this district the ideal home for young families.

Kempten Altstadt: The historic heart of Kempten impresses with its charming town hall square, Sankt-Mang-Platz and the traditional weekly market. The old buildings and the idyllic orangery in the courtyard garden lend the old town a unique charm, while the long shopping street brings urban life within easy reach.

Why buy a property in Kempten?

House, flowers, meadow

Buying a house in Kempten offers numerous advantages that make Kempten an attractive destination for property buyers:

Alpine proximity: Kempten is located in the middle of the enchanting Allgäu and therefore offers unique opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation in nature.

Metropolis of the Allgäu: As the second largest city in the administrative district of Swabia, Kempten offers an excellent infrastructure, a rich cultural offering and a wide range of leisure activities for young and old.

Stable value: The property market in Kempten is extremely attractive and is characterized by a high stability of value. Buying a property in Kempten can therefore be a long-term investment with positive value growth.


Key, house

Buying a house in Kempten allows you to fulfill your dream of living in the Alps in a vibrant city. The unique location, high quality of life and diverse cultural offerings make Kempten a desirable place to live that offers something for every lifestyle.

Use our tips and information to make your dream of owning a home in Kempten a reality. Contact our team at VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Kempten/Oberallgäu today and start your search for your dream home. We are always on hand with help and advice and will accompany you on the way to your new home in the Allgäu.

Kempten / Oberallgäu
Peer Hessemer
Beethovenstraße 9
87435 Kempten
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Monday 09:00 - 17:00 
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00 
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00 
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00 
Friday 09:00 - 17:00 

Peer Hessemer e.K. [Dipl.-Volkswirt, DEKRA certified expert for real estate valuation - D1]

Beethovenstraße 9, 87435 Kempten
Phone: +49 (0)831 - 54 07 79 0
Fax: +49 (0)831 - 54 07 79 11
Email: [email protected]

In independent commercial agency for von Poll Immobilien GmbH

Business license according to §34c GewO granted by VGem Weitnau
Competent supervisory authority: Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for Munich and Upper Bavaria, Max-Joseph-Straße 2, 80333 Munich

Kempten (Allgäu) Local Court, HRA 10743
UID: DE 248 328 123

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Interview about the housing situation in Kempten
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