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Aging population: only 1.5 percent of all homes are barrier-free

22/04/2022 · Autor: Bayreuth

With increasing age of the inhabitants and residents usually also their house or apartment becomes old and uncomfortable. If then also major repairs are pending or the heating must be renewed, it is either time for a conversion or the move. Check in peace, which solution is best for you.

Senior households in Germany currently meet on average only half of eleven possible criteria for accessibility, according to an empirica study. These include step-free access to the house as well as to all rooms, sufficient movement space in the kitchen and bathroom, an increased passage width of doors and hallways, a floor without unevenness and a floor-level shower.

The need for action will continue to increase in the future: Many Germans today reach their 85th or even 90th birthday thanks to good healthcare and improved living and working conditions. Already today, each and every fourth German is 65 years and older. In 2050, one in nine will be older than 80. At present however only 1.5 per cent of all dwellings are barrier-poor.

The Federal Government supports rebuilding measures with the KfW program age-fairly rebuilding - investment subsidy also in combination with further rebuilding measures - for example an energetic reorganization or measures for the break-down protection, which are likewise promoted. Private owners and tenants can apply for subsidies - regardless of income and age - to remove barriers in residential buildings.

Even small conversion measures can lead to major relief, for example the installation of age-appropriate sanitary objects. For the national promotion uniform standards apply, which offer sufficient organization clearance depending upon kind of the real estate and individual need.

Who does not want to expect itself in the age a change any longer, has as real estate owners:in also different possibilities. The sale of the old property is just in the current time an extremely attractive alternative and allows you to move into a comfortable new apartment in a good location.

Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please have the facts in your specific individual case clarified by a lawyer and/or tax advisor.

(Photo: © Barry D., Pixabay)

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Mark Beyer [Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH), DEKRA certified expert for real estate valuation - D1, certified independent expert for real estate valuation (PersCert®)]

Hohenzollernring 73, 95444 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 - 73 04 553
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