Real estate agent for Winterhude & Uhlenhorst
If you, as an owner in one of Hamburg's most beautiful and exclusive residential areas, have ever considered selling or renting your property or are interested in renting a suitable apartment or buying a beautiful apartment or house in central Hamburg - then contact us with confidence:
Your qualified VON POLL IMMOBILIEN estate agents (IHK).
The tradition-conscious estate agency VON POLL IMMOBILIEN maintains excellent contacts with potential buyers who are looking for a property to buy or rent in the most exclusive and popular districts of Hamburg.
You are welcome to visit your VON POLL IMMOBILIEN store at Papenhuder Straße 27 in Uhlenhorst.
We broker real estate in Hamburg with enthusiasm and success. We can work for you in the entire greater Hamburg area and are your specialized contact for the districts of Winterhude, Uhlenhorst, Hafencity, Barmbek-Süd, St. Georg, Hohenfelde, Eilbek, Hamm, Hammerbrook, Borgfelde as well as for the Altstadt and Neustadt.
The real estate market
The Hamburg real estate market impresses with its value retention, long-term increases in value and, above all, its diversity: from classic Wilhelminian style properties from the turn of the century and modern city apartments to post-war buildings and fine and stately Alster villas, there is a wide selection for upscale living requirements. The central locations to the south-east and north of the Alster are inspiring due to their diversity in the middle of the vibrant metropolis of Hamburg. Locals and visitors particularly appreciate the water and the omnipresent greenery, but also the urban city life with all its cultural and liveable opportunities. The rivers Elbe and Alster are the heart of the city. In history, they were the reason for the first settlements due to the excellent trading opportunities. Today, the natural landmarks are popular attractions for everyone. And if you do get wanderlust, you will appreciate the short distances to Hamburg Airport, the main train station or the cruise terminal of the large cruise ships.
Winterhude and Uhlenhorst
The neighboring districts are located northwest of the Alster and, in addition to their proximity to the city center, offer plenty of nature and numerous leisure opportunities - not least thanks to the city park and the Outer Alster, which are right on the doorstep. Many of the approximately 74,000 inhabitants live in a sophisticated to exclusive lifestyle in one of Hamburg's most sought-after residential and business areas. Small boutiques and fine restaurants line the lively centers of these districts, which are blessed with many preserved old buildings. In terms of price, only the western Alster areas, Hafencity and parts of the Elbe suburbs are on a comparable level.
Hafencity has become known as the largest inner-city construction project in Europe and, in particular, for the worldwide reputation of the prestigious Elbphilharmonie concert hall, and has developed into a hotspot for new maritime housing over the last 15 years. The highest prices per square meter in the city are achieved here primarily through breathtaking new buildings with city panoramas and water views. The approximately 7,000 residents appreciate the exclusive comfort of ultra-modern condominiums as well as the perfect location close to the city center. Within walking distance of Jungfernstieg and the busiest shopping streets in northern Germany or by public transport to every other corner of the city - it could hardly be more central. In addition to Hamburg's largest shopping center, a new cruise terminal for cruise ships is also being built in the center of Hafencity. The exciting development towards the Elbe bridges will continue for several years until the final completion of Hafencity.
St. Georg and Hohenfelde
These two districts to the south-east of the Outer Alster Lake, which also dominates the area, are perfectly connected thanks to their direct proximity to the main railway station and offer living space for every taste and budget: whether exclusive and sophisticated near the banks of the Alster or practical and a little more affordable near the main railway station and main roads - the approximately 22,000 residents of these colorful, multicultural and extremely liveable districts are as diverse as the possibilities. Many different people and mentalities come together here, which makes life in these districts particularly varied and exciting. You will hardly find more diversity anywhere else in Hamburg. The city center with its numerous shopping opportunities is also within walking distance from here.
The sprawling district with its almost 36,000 inhabitants forms the second row to the eastern Outer Alster after Winterhude and Uhlenhorst and is almost entirely framed by the Eilbek Canal to the south and the Osterbek Canal to the north. The proximity to the beautiful Stadtpark, the Alsterfleeten and the large Hamburger Meile shopping center convinces many residents of this central and highly desirable location.
Eilbek and Hamm
Two of the very centrally located districts that are still reasonably affordable. The areas with excellent transport connections have a particularly high population density. Around 60,000 inhabitants live here in a relatively small area. Nevertheless, Eilbek in particular has many advantages due to its proximity to the Eilbek Canal and thus to the waterway towards the Outer Alster, and also has more of the charming old buildings than Hamm. Both residential districts also have plenty of greenery and beautiful parks for local recreation.
Hammerbrook and Borgfelde
Once heavily populated, the former middle-class working-class districts were completely destroyed during the war. Today, they are among the smallest and least populated districts in Hamburg. A good 13,600 inhabitants share the area with larger commercial and office spaces. Thanks to its proximity to the main railway station, all parts of Hamburg can be reached quickly and easily. Nevertheless, the two districts are very different. Hammerbrook, apart from a huge new development area, tends to be left to business, while Borgfelde has more residential space at affordable prices.
Old Town and New Town
The first written mention of Hammaburg was in 834 AD. The imposing castle surrounded the entire areas of today's Old and New Towns, including the Inner Alster. In the here and now, living has been largely removed from the city center. Shopping, administration and offices occupy almost the entire area. There are only a few residential areas, such as around the Michel, Hamburg's most famous church, near which the well-known Portuguese quarter exudes a Mediterranean flair. Of course, the Elbe, including the world-famous Speicherstadt warehouse district and Hamburg's most extensive shopping district around the town hall and Binnenalster lake, is a popular destination for residents and tourists alike. The infrastructure is perfect.
Property valuation of your house or apartment
If you want to sell or rent out your property, take advantage of our offer for a professional market price assessment by our certified independent experts for property valuation (PersCert®/WertCert®/DEKRA) - free of charge and without obligation for owners in the greater Hamburg area.
Your VON POLL IMMOBILIEN estate agents (IHK) broker attractive properties in sought-after residential and commercial locations. Make an appointment now - we look forward to meeting you in person.
Best regards,
Your VON POLL IMMOBILIEN Team Hamburg Alster-Ost

F.A.Z. Institute: "Germany's most desirable employers 2024"
VON POLL IMMOBILIEN receives the "Germany's most desirable employer 2024" award from the F.A.Z. Institute, part of the renowned Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. With the highest score of 100 points, VON POLL IMMOBILIEN emerged as the winner in the "Real Estate Agents" category. Among other things, job security, salary structure, development and training opportunities as well as additional benefits were examined.

ImmoScout24 Gold Partner
We are proud to be a Gold Partner of ImmoScout24. This seal stands for our outstanding quality and reliability in the real estate sector. As a Gold Partner, we benefit from exclusive advantages such as preferential placement and special marketing tools that enable us to market your property faster and more effectively. You can rely on our many years of experience and our commitment to your success.
Client testimonials
Ich kenne Herrn Preuß schon seit vielen Jahren und vertraue ihm blind. Er hat Einfühlungsvermögen, Sicht, Energie, Integrität und eine so verbindliche und ehrliche Art, dass er alles gibt und immer im Interesse seines Kunden handelt. Er ist einer der Wenigen in dieser Branche mit seinem Team, der einem mit Vertrauen, Freude und Einsatz entgegen kommt.
Silke Wettergren
Herrn Preuß kann ich als Makler nur empfehlen. erfahren professionell kompetent sympathisch
Dirk David
Herr Preuss hebt sich durch seine Empathie, die er den Kunden entgegenbringt, vom Durchschnitt der Immobilienbranche deutlich ab. Auf alle Wünsche und Fragen geht er individuell ein und man fühlt sich durchgängig gut beraten. Eine klare Empfehlung!
Kristina H.
Sehr gute Kundenbetreuung, hoch professionell und engagiert. Ich danke Frau Janning für Ihr persönliches Engagement, die stets gute telefonische Erreichbarkeit, das fortlaufende Feedback bzgl. Kundenanfragen während der gesamten Zeit des Wohnungsverkaufes sowie Ihre Sachkenntnis. Ihre Loyalität ist einzigartig.
M. Sachs
Insbesondere die souveräne und professionelle Bewertung einer weiteren Immobilie durch Frau Janning hat uns überzeugt, mit Von Poll zusammen zu arbeiten. Sie hat überdurchschnittlich diskret und schnell gearbeitet! Habe Frau Janning bereits mehrfach im Freundeskreis weiterempfohlen. Sie ist wirklich ein Aushängeschild für Ihre Firma! Danke!!!
Esther Q.
Liebe Frau Sarbinowska, vom ersten Moment unseres Kennenlernens wusste ich, dass ich Ihnen den Verkauf meiner Immobilie anvertrauen würde! Ihre herzlich-erfrischende, engagierte, professionelle und zugewandte Art hat dazu geführt, dass ich nach kurzer Zeit mein Grundstück verkaufen konnte. Herzlichen Dank! Ich werde Sie wärmstens weiterempfehlen.
M. Scheufler
Frau Sarbinowska hat uns beim Verkauf unserer Immobilie überaus professionell beraten. Ihre kompetente und sehr freundliche Art hat einen schnellen und exzellenten Verkauf ermöglicht. Es bestand von Beginn an eine sehr vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit. Vielen Dank!
Eheleute E.
Die Firma von Poll Immobilien, namentlich Frau Sarbinowska, hat es geschafft meine ursprünglich skeptische Meinung gegenüber Maklern ins Gegenteil zu verkehren. Ihre unermüdliche, engagierte, professionelle und dabei immer freundliche Art haben mir von Anfang an das Gefühl gegeben die richtige Wahl getroffen zu haben und es war sicherlich auch ihr Verdienst das ich meine Immobilie binnen kürzester Zeit zu meinen Wunschverkaufspreis verkaufen konnte. Danke!
Oliver W.
Die Beratung war kompetent und angemessen
Frauke K.
Wir wurden sehr nett und persönlich betreut und beraten. Kundenorientierung ist top.
Von der 1. Kontaktaufnahme bis zum Notartermin fühlte ich mich sehr gut aufgehoben, immer kompetent betreut und ausgesprochen freundlich behandelt. Termine wurden absolut eingehalten. Bei Immobilien im Hochpreissegment immer die 1. Wahl.
Die Beratung war von Anfang an professionell, zuvorkommend und sehr freundlich. Frau Sarbinowska war immer für uns erreichbar und hat sich sofort um alles gekümmert. Wir waren sehr zufrieden.
Besser kann man nicht beraten und betreut werden.
Werner K.
Die von Herrn de Decker präsentierte Wohnung nahm ich nicht, möchte ihn jedoch wärmstens als Makler weiterempfehlen. Erst bei der Besichtigung fiel mir auf, dass mir die Umgebung nicht ganz zusagte. Die Besichtigung an sich verlief aber bestens. Herr de Decker wirkte auf mich fundiert vorbereitet und fachkundig. Die für mich sonst gewohnte „Makler-Attitüde“ vermisste ich überhaupt nicht. Sehr professionell, nahbar, freundlich und fachlich versiert - so erlebte ich ihn. Sehr gerne wieder, sollte es ein Objekt im Rahmen meiner Suche geben.
M. Uhe
Auf diesem Weg möchte ich herzlich danke schön sagen an Herrn De Decker. Schon bei unserem ersten Telefonat und bis zum Notar Termin war ich bei Herrn De Decker in den besten Händen!! Nochmal super Lieben Dank möchte ich hiermit sagen für die super Betreuung!
Florian E.
Hoch professionelle Vorgehensweise mit 100 Prozent Zielerreichung in allen Bereichen Herr de Decker hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen.
Gerlinde L.